Woods, The Fine Artist

Woods, The Fine Artist 

Highlighting Art Exhibition at Nile Gallery, Cairo 2017

By Nour Kassem (Woods), The Fine Artist

Solo Art Exhibitions / Flyers & Invitations

First Solo Art Exhibition 2015

Second Solo Art Exhibition 2017

About Nour

About Nour:

Nour is a popular free girl that leaves us with no choice but to listen; Nour Kassem known artistically by Nour Woods was born year 1988 in Cairo Egypt her homeland.

For Nour to cruise in her subconscious and deal with her emotions, and voice them out in ART, GOLF and DANCE is a gift from heaven. 

That shows that education has become almost obsolete. Because at the end of it all, it is really about those people with the most passion.

Nour dedicates one third of her paintings selling net income to Tahya Misr; to whom she owes a lot. She always feels nostalgic for the country where she was born. Whenever she travels shortly, she feels the urge to come back to Cairo / Egypt her homeland.

She has a genuine quest for creativity, according to Nour pure ART is that which arises spontaneously. Her artwork is spontaneous, colorful and rebellious. She floats in abstract vision with confident colors.

She finished her IGCSE and has been introduced to different international art teachers; Russian, Egyptian, British. And visited most of the art galleries in Egypt.

Nour paintings so emotionally powerful, she expresses our struggle to adapt to the complicated nature of human relations. The pressure to be socially accepted, drives us to attempt to uphold an image to validate ourselves and hide our truth. We allow falsely the power of the society to influence our identity; we end up living an illusion; that is far from being Nour. 

Her artwork has been exhibited in several art exhibitions. Nour painted almost 400 paints since childhood. 

Her First Group art exhibition year 2014 was in TUBerlin University,
in El Gouna / Hurghada / Egypt.

Her First Solo art exhibition year 2015 was In Ocean View Hotel by the Marina,
in El Gouna / Hurghada / Egypt.

Her Second Solo art exhibition year 2017 was in Nile Art Gallery,
in Zamalek / Cairo / Egypt.

Nour started playing GOLF in El Gouna year 2016. She just plays golf effortlessly since day one. That is why she is known by Nour Woods in El Gouna golf clubhouse. Now she plays golf daily, 18 or 9 holes, 7 days a week, at Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort in Cairo Egypt.

Her first time being introduced to golf when she was around ten years old; at 1997 when Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort opened its doors. By then Nour took once a group class with the kids and the Pro Esmond / Canadian. When Nour was very young she used to accompany her mother, during her mother golf practice session every now and then, and sometimes she only drives the golf club car.

Dancing, is a passion of her soul in which she excels; when she can hear, feel, talk, sing and express herself. Nour is a ballroom dancer. "The whole creation is the DANCE of one consciousness - said by the famous Spiritual Indian (Sri Sri)". 

When she was 13 years old she had a dancing room at her home. And all years long on her birthdays; Nour used to do a dancing party and invite all her friends.

Nour is an international ballroom dancer who completed and fulfilled in Egypt the requirements of Bronze One and Bronze Two Medal Standard at Arthur Murray International Dance Schools. That covers Waltz - ChaCha - Mambo - Hustle - Tango - Rumba - Samba - Salsa - FoxTrot - Swing - Merengue.

"As long as I dance, as long as I live - said by Nour Kassem (Woods)".

She participated in five international showcases with Arthur Murray; couple of them in Jourdan, and couple of them in Egypt, while one of them in London. Between year 2009 and 2013.

She travelled twice to Greece year 2018 and had 10 ballroom dancing sessions at Arthur Murray Dance school there, as they were preparing her to join the International Dance-O-Rama of Arthur Murray in Athens at Hotel Grande Bretagne (14 - 18 February), although she was almost there, she did not attend, but ready.

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts - ALbert Einsten" and Nour is a one. 

Being different makes you stand out, it makes you special and honorable; honorable because you managed to escape the basic mind of our society.

As Churchill inspired us that the world only changes and develops not by the flexible followers. But only, by the non flexible people; who let the world fit to them. 

Be you the world will adjust.

Nour Kassem (Woods)

A Woman of Egypt